In this episode of Good Beer Matters we continue our focus on small breweries to answer the questions, with so much good beer and competition out there, how and why do they step into such a competitive world. What are the challenges and what is the upside to being small and crafty.

Steve Anderson, of Kobold Brewing and The Vault Taphouse, is an excellent, award-winning brewer, but you likely haven’t heard of his brewery. That is because he is a nano-brewer.
It’s a Rooseveltian thing as a very small brewer to step into the arena and compete with the likes of Sierra Nevada, Dogfish Head, Sweetwater, New Belgium or bigger. So the question remains, is there a place for nano brewers like Steve and how do they carve out their place in a very competitive world?

The definition of craft and nano breweries remains a bit fuzzy. Perhaps it is like the contrast between a folk musician at your corner coffee house vs. the headliner at a mega concert. While both may be great, they are two different experiences. In the world of beer the outliers are easy to define, but what about the ones in the middle? I suppose definitions become irrelevant when the journey to find good beer and meaningful experiences is the goal.

Good Beer Matters is a show about great beer, great friends and the experiences we create together. But, it’s also about better appreciation of the beer you enjoy. I believe better education leads to better enjoyment. So if you’re a beer and food professional, or even a beer enthusiast, then please subscribe to Good Beer Matters and leave a rating on iTunes.
After that, grab a beer, hang out with friends and let the world open up.
Thank you for listening.
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