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Dr J. Nikol Jackson-Beckham

GBM 43 – Exploring Our Diverse World Of Beer with Dr. J Nikol Jackson- Beckham


This may be the most important episode I’ve put out thus far. It’s not specifically about beer or even business. This has to do with diversity, people and the subcultures within the culture of Craft beer. 

Dr. J Nikol Jackson-BeckhamThis episode is for those who appreciate that behind every beer is a complex dynamic of human interaction. These interactions run the gamut but include Big beer vs. small craft, how beer is sold and distributed, history and modern society, all the way down to how we regard others that are different from us. Naturally, these issues have to do with being a good person as well as increasing sales. But how do we do that in a way that is both productive and authentic?  Also, what does beer have to do with all of this? 

Craft beer once began with pioneers who convinced us that there was something better. Now that Craft Beer has a firm place in the world, perhaps now is the time for us to use beer as a herald to pioneer something better within our society.

Show Links

Randolph College

Diversity Ambassador for Brewer’s Association

Craft Beer For All

Craft x EDU