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Julie Rhodes

GBM 46 – Exploring Better Beer Sales with Coach, Julie Rhodes

Julie RhodesSales and marketing may not be the first thing you think of when it comes to craft beer. The word “Sales” may actually conjure negative emotions or experiences with pushy people. But, sales are one of the many necessary logistics of getting beer from the brewery to the glass in your hand. In actuality, sales and wait staff are a company’s front line in creating good experiences for customers and creating better income. Like brewing, it takes training and practice to do well. Yet, these positions are sometimes left to the most outgoing but undertrained people. This begs the question to all the breweries, distributors, pubs and more… what are you doing to help your sales staff do a better job? My next guest has spent years in sales and marketing and is now helping others do it better than the rest.     

Julie RhodesThe definition of sales is the mutual exchange of goods or services for something of equal value. If done well, sales can become a collaboration that benefits both parties in profound ways. I truly hope this episode helps you evaluate your practices and develop better professional relationships.

This episode finishes off season two. I’d love to hear about your favorite episodes and what stories or experiences you’d like to hear about when Good Beer Matters returns. 

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Not Your Hobby Marketing

“To Sell is Human” – Daniel Pink

“Building a Storybrand” and Storybrand.com – Donald Miller

GBM Episode 35 – Ken Grossman

What sales is not…