Home » Episodes » GBM 108 – Seldom Discussed Health And Dangers Of Beer, with Dr. Charlie Bamforth

GBM 108 Dr. Charlie Bamforth

UC Davis professor Charles Bamforth chats with UC Davis Extension Master Brewers students at Sudwerk Brewery in Davis.

As the ripples of the craft beer movement continue outward across the globe, it pays to go back to the epicenter once in a while, to visit with one of the individuals often found there. In this episode, we begin a new series called Beyond The Beer, and explore the seldom discussed dangers of brewing, the health benefits of beer, and much more. 



For those of you working in the brewhouse, exposing yourselves to heat, chemicals, nonbreathable gases, and many other dangers, we beer lovers thank you. I urge everyone else listening to honor your work by truly appreciating the beer you produce and the benefits that come from it. 

Isabella Perez, a brewing science major, measures out hops by weight as she talks with professor Charles Bamforth during a brewery class in the Robert Mondavi Institute on December 12, 2016. The professional brewing programs at UC Davis Extension are the only North American programs accredited by the Institute of Brewing and Distilling in London.
Professor Charlie Bamforth of Food Science and Technology stand in the brewery on Friday January 17, 2014 at UC Davis.
UC Davis professor Charles Bamforth chats with UC Davis Extension Master Brewers students at Sudwerk Brewery in Davis.

Show Links

Dr Charlie Bamforth at UC Davis 

UC Davis Food Science

Bass Brewery

Sierra Nevada Brewing

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