Home » Episodes » GBM 65 – Twas The Night Beer-fore Christmas


Thank you to all my listeners and guests.  I hope the holidays are kind and 2021 is even better.  Thank you for listening and thank you for your support. See you in season 4.

Twas the night before Christmas…

and all through the brewery

There was so much to do I wish there were two of me

I cleaned glasses in the pub with care

While consuming beer and tacos as if from a dare


I dreamed of my bed and a hasty goodnight

But, I wanted to make everything perfect and right

I considered 2020 as I sipped from my glass

And about hope of the new year, beyond the Covid impasse


When inside the brewery arose such a clatter

I ran inside to see what was the matter

I moved carefully as I crept by the mill

(I had a beer in my hand and didn’t want to spill)


Amongst the malt and the great smell of hops

I saw an intruder and was about to call the cops

But, through my beer-goggled eyes I saw him appear

With eight horned animals and a sleigh full of beer


The man moved quickly with a dip and a run

Then magically appeared from behind the mash tun

He looked like a brewer, or a red and white panda

Or maybe, just maybe it was a beer-loving Santa


He had broad shoulders and a bit of a gut

But when he moved there was a noticeable strut

He had malt in his pockets and hops in his beard

It was kind of awesome but just a little bit weird


“Listen to me”, he said “I have something to say

I want you and yours to enjoy this holiday

Something so true, right down to the letter

Beer is good, but craft beer is better”


All of a sudden I heard a strange noise

Like the hootin and hollerin of dancing cowboys

Down came from the brewery’s great roof

Bounding reindeer hoof over hoof


Along with them came Santa’s little elves

Who were so excited they tripped over themselves

They heated the liquor and milled the grain

They moved with the force of a racing steam train


I looked around and couldn’t help but smile

After all, brewing Santa had swagger and style

He twisted his mustache, his biceps flexed

And I listened carefully to what he said next


“People want beer with a story you see

Full of craft and culture and a little history

With flavor so good from ingredients so pure

Trust me. That’s what they’ll be drinking for sure”


By the end of the night the fermenters were full

I thanked them for this magical beer school

He showed me through great hops and grain

We had nothing to lose and everything to gain


Enjoying good beer takes knowledge and finesse

He urged us to drink better and not settle for less

For his last point, he leaned in close to tell

“For anything worth drinking is worth drinking well”


He slapped high fives and pumped his fists high

He said, “I think my work here is done for the night”

But we heard him exclaim as they started to scatter

“Good beer for all because Good Beer Matters!”


Thank you to all my listeners and guests.  I hope the holidays are kind and 2021 is even better.  Thank you for listening and thank you for your support.