“Paying that little bit of attention, both to your food and to your beer, is the difference between having an “OK” culinary life and having one filled with boundless riches of flavor. Learn a little bit about the amazing variety and complexity of flavor that traditional beer brings to the table, and in return I promise you a better life.”
- Garret Oliver – The Brewmaster’s Table

This episode comes with a soundtrack. Partly because my guests and I sat outside with music playing in the background as I recorded this, but also because this episode is all about how good beer can pair with just about anything to create a richer experience. The Crew at Alesong Brewing, south of Eugene, OR, are very adept in creating some masterful beers by blending their
experiences. They draw inspiration from the culinary world, music, nature and, especially their next door neighbor who just happens to be one of the largest biodynamic/ organic wineries in the world.
Just like listening to good music, eating good food, having a good conversation with good friends, drinking good beer can be a defining moment in our lives if we allow it to be. By giving the nuances of flavor and the drinking experience the attention they deserve, we can create an experience that can affect our lives in very profound and wonderful ways.
I hope you enjoy episode 11 where we explore the fascinating world of pairings, of balance and of very good beer with Alesong Brewing and Blending.
Show Links:
Great American Beer Festival – GABF
Willamette AVA – OR Wine country