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Category: Beer Business

Beer is much more than a hobby or a passion, it is also an economic engine. Craft beer alone is a multi-Billion dollar industry that affects farms, suppliers, breweries, distributors, retailers, bars and restaurants and even artists and media. The impact of the beer industry is substantial. In the Good Beer Matters Podcast, we also explore ways to build better beer businesses so everyone makes more money, creates more impact, serves local communities, and gets more beer.

GBM 005 – Building Beertopia with Roger Worthington of Worthy Brewing

“This, around you, right here, speaking from the Hop Mahal at Worthy Brewing, a little place we call Beertopia, is a result of a lot of dreaming and a lot of doing.”
– Roger Worthington, Worthy Brewing in Bend, OR

I’ve always believed that one could become fully educated just by studying beer.  Doing so lends itself to learning about the world beyond ourselves and especially our taste buds. 

We all have been to those pubs and breweries where a beer is just a beer, but we’ve also been to those special places that create something special, where the beer is elevated.   It is very rare to find all these disciplines so well represented in one place.  However, there is one brewery where the exceptional beer is only one small part of a larger story.  I’m talking about Worthy Brewing in Bend, Oregon.  

Andy Warhops

Roger Worthington built this bastion of higher and hoppier learning, which he simply calls, Beertopia.  In this episode, we talk about art, literature, science, the environment and, of course, the beer that brings it all home.

I hope you enjoy episode 5 of Good Beer Matters with Roger Worthington of Indie Hops and Worthy Brewing in Bend, Oregon.

Worthy Hop Yard

Show Links:

1859 Magazine Story

One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest

Jim Koch and Boston Brewing Company

Karl Sagan & The Little Blue Dot 

Indie Hops on Hop Sex & Breeding

“Let’s Start at the Beginning” by Lee Rosevere


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