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Category: Beer Business

Beer is much more than a hobby or a passion, it is also an economic engine. Craft beer alone is a multi-Billion dollar industry that affects farms, suppliers, breweries, distributors, retailers, bars and restaurants and even artists and media. The impact of the beer industry is substantial. In the Good Beer Matters Podcast, we also explore ways to build better beer businesses so everyone makes more money, creates more impact, serves local communities, and gets more beer.

Candace Moon

GBM 79 – Navigating Beer Law With Craft Beer Attorney, Candace Moon

One of the things I love about people in the beer industry is the Can-Do attitude. To face a new challenge knowing you’ll just figure it out takes an unwavering swagger. That being said, there are times when we all need to seek wise counsel. My next guest is an expert who helps her beer clients stay out of legal hot water.

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