Home » Episodes » GBM 112 – Why We Need Homebrewing, with AHA Exec. Director Julia Herz

Julia Herz

If you think about it, all the beer you enjoy at breweries around the world today began as homebrew. In a literal sense, often times the brewer began as a home brewer. But in a larger sense, all beer used to be brewed at home long before it became a global commodity. This got me thinking, what role does home brewing play now in our modern society? My next guest is an expert and a leader who will help get your boil kettles fired up.  

AHAI admit that home brewing takes a lot of time, effort, knowledge and money to do well. But I’ve found the upside of home brewing far surpasses what we lose in a brew day. If you have never brewed, I urge you to try brewing with some buddies, or reach out to a local homebrew club. You may find yourself a member of a new tribe. 


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