Home » Episodes » GBM 64 – Drinking Beer and Saving Boobs with Beer 4 Boobs Founder, Lisa White

Beer With Benefits Pt. 3

(This one is for all the ladies. But, it’s especially dedicated to my sisters, my nieces, my wife, my daughter, and to my mother, who kicked cancer’s ass.)

Breast cancer is one of the most common, yet treatable forms of cancer that affects women, and some men. If you are in a group of 8 women, at least one of you will be diagnosed with breast cancer. This may sound intimidating. But there are many organizations that help promote coping with, and curing this disease. My next guest founded one of these organizations and serves up some delicious beer along the way.

A breast cancer diagnosis doesn’t have to be devastating. Early detection increases your chances of beating the disease. So, grab a good beer and include your partner in your self-exam. The relationships and experiences we’re trying to build are much better when everyone is alive and well enough to enjoy them.

Show Links

Beer 4 Boobs

White Labs

GBM 41 with White Labs

National Breast Cancer Foundation

WHO on Breast Cancer

Susan G Komen Foundation

American Cancer Society – Road to Recovery Program

GBM 63 – Pints 4 Prostates