Home » Episodes » GBM 59 – The Psychology and Gastrophysics Behind Your Best Night Ever With Dr. Charles Spence

photo by Sam Frost©2014

I want you to think back to that one perfect night you replay in your head over and over. You know the one. It’s the night that if you could go back in time, you wouldn’t change anything. Instead, you’d just sit back and relive the magic. It was the night where the food was amazing, the beer pairing sung like angels and the conversation flowed like a cold lager on a hot day. Have you ever wondered what made that night so special? What if we could deconstruct that experience and put it back together at will? What if events like this had less to do with magic and more to do with physics or, astrophysics. 


My next guest has studied and written about the psychology and the science behind events like this for years. In this episode, he shares some secrets to creating your next best night ever. 

We may not always be able to recreate the magic. Frankly, if every night were special, then none of them would be. But with the principles that Dr. Spence described in his books and on this podcast, you can certainly improve your odds that more of your events will be remembered for a very long time.

Show Links

Gastrophysics – The New Science of Eating by Dr. Charles Spence

The Perfect Meal – The Multisensory Science of Food and Dining by Dr. Charles Spence

University of Oxford

“Accounting for Taste” – The New Yorker

Alinea Restaurant, Chicago

Chef’s Table Netflix